

The last show day goes by quick! It's only from 9 - 12, and the few retailers that are still there are in a hurry. I honestly wasn't expecting anything on the last day, but was pleasantly surprised by the 10 or so interested retailers I spoke to. Again, no orders . . . but I was finally starting to feel like I may actually get some after the show.

They are not kidding when they say breakdown starts at noon. By 12:30 the bright green carpets were up and most walls were down. It was crazy!
Leaving was a little bitter sweet. It was sad saying goodbye to new friends and not knowing if we'll be back next year. I'm going to allow myself a good 3 - 6 months to digest everything and see what orders follow. I know a million things I'd do differently and better if we do come back. And I know I'd like to be in the exact booth near the exact same awesome peeps we met!

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