
NSS Extravaganza: day 4 ~ FIRST SHOW DAY

This was the earliest day so far. I got up around 5:30 am to be sure we were ready to be out the door at 7:30. We got to the center around 7:45 to drop off press kits and tweak anything in the booth necessary. It was exciting to see the finished product set and ready to go!

Soon after we got the booth all set up, Greetings Etc. Magazine came around and gave every booth their Spring Magazine. I was SO excited to see at the Kid Stickers were in the mag! YEAH!

Retailers and Press started rolling in right at 9:00 am. For the first 3 hours, it seemed as though we had a lot of good feedback and leads. Several people said they saw us in the New Product Display and came looking for us. GREAT! The afternoon was a bit slower and then seemed to pick back up an hour or so before closing.

Though I have been dreading it, the show was actually pretty fun. We were constantly entertained by our awesome booth neighbors from Hard Cards. Those gals are as funny as their cards...maybe even funnier! They are crazy helpful and kind to us too. **Thank you so much, Stacey, Randi and Steve! We love being across form you guys!** 

We also really enjoyed hanging with our Australian neighbor, Sarah. Besides loving her accent, she was so fun! We even thought she looked like our martini girl. **We caught someone from the press snapping a photo of Sarah and our girl!**

It was really fun overall, but I was a bit disappointed today. We got a ton of positive feedback and some legit leads, but no real orders placed. I have read that new exhibitors should get orders in the weeks following the show and should NOT expect to write orders at the actual show (especially on the first day), but I can't help but hope for more from tomorrow. I'll keep you posted!

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